Hi, I'm James.

I make all kinds of software

View my work

Recent Projects

29 July 2020
iOS app to help monitor and manage your sites / web API. This app can help with rate limiting, protect against DDoS attacks and help you budget costs related to serverless environments.
Coming soon
17 August 2019
Select the country a patient has come from, and see a visual representation of the likelihood of the different types of malaria. Used at the Sunshine Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.
16 August 2019
A simplified CLI version of the GUI tool. Saving pathologists time when diagnosing patients with malaria. Can save up to 30 minutes of time when diagnosing.
15 August 2020
Distributed Developer Network
DDN for short, a distributed platform for iOS jailbreak developers to distribute and sell their amazing software freely!
Coming soon
19 July 2020
DDoS Mitigation / Rate Limiter
Helps prevent DDoS attacks from bad hosts and IPs. Acts as a free alternative to help reduce server load and cost for origin servers and serverless environments.

About Me

I am a 3rd year student studying a bachelor of Computer Science at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. I have a passion for cyber security, software development and IoT. I love creating software and applications that help and improve others lives.

During my 3rd year of university I co-founded a tech startup. Which used IoT devices and machine learning to monitor Wifi and Bluetooth signal activity in an area, the data can be used to determine occupancy - this can save businesses money on property related costs. As a result we pitched infront of the board of directors at RMIT and were successful in securing 25 thousand dollars in pre seed funding.



Experience with Java and Springboot web applications


Experience with Python, Flask and Django


Experience with C++ and efficient programing


Experience with Ruby and the Rails framework


Experience with PHP and the Laravel framework

React JS

Experience with Javascript and the React framework


Experience with iOS programming with swift


Experience with MySQL, NoSQL, ORM and database managemnt


Experience with Docker and microservices

Cloud Services

Experience with cloud services (AWS & GCloud) and serverless environments

Cyber Security

Experience in cyber security and secure programming


Experience with IoT programming, managament and security